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3 Reasons to Build Your Own Pressure Washer Trailer

Unlike other outdoor chores (like raking leaves), pressure washing is surprisingly fun. The longish “wand” almost magically makes layers of dirt and grime disappear with ease.

Lugging a pressure washer can be back-straining work. One way to avoid the heavy lifting work is to build your own pressure washer trailer. In this article, we’ll describe the basic steps involved in building a pressure washer trailer and the top 3 advantages of doing so.

1. Reach Areas of Your Home with Ease

We’re all looking for ways to save time. If you do not have a pressure washer trailer, you may be wasting time lifting and repositioning your heavy washer as you move around your home or business. The continual movement can also be hard on your back.

A trailer places your pressure washer on a wheeled platform. The platform then allows you to pull your power washer into position as needed. Depending on the types of pressure washers you use, you may need to hitch the washer to a motorized vehicle for easier mobility.

With a pressure washer trailer, you will be more likely to cover every square foot of your home. Removing mold and mildew can add years to the life of your home’s paint job.

2. Save Money

If you are willing to build your own home pressure washer trailer, you can handle your home cleaning chores for a tiny fraction of the price of renting. If you already own a pressure washer, you will only have to pay for the water and gas/electricity required to run your washer as you clean your home.

According to Angi’s List, renting a pressure washer is costly, whether you rent the unit yourself or hire a crew to perform the service. If you need your walkway or specific areas of your home washed, expect to pay around $300.

Pressure washing your entire home can run upwards of $650. Cleaning companies will charge $0.10 to $0.50 per square foot for the service, according to Angi’s List. If you opt for warm or heated water, those fees go up.

If you are worried about the high costs of pressure washing, consider working with the experts at TCHEM. We offer competitive pricing on all of our services.

If you choose to save money by renting a pressure washer (also known as a portable pressure washer), you will still have to pay $50 to $200 for a day’s worth of rental fees. If you are unfamiliar with how to properly run a power washer, you may end up requiring more time than you expect.

3. Pressure Washing Is Fun When You Have a Trailer

Building a trailer allows you to avoid the strenuous chore of lifting and moving the washer as you clean. Once you build your own pressure washer trailer, you may find family members clamoring to try it out.

The pressurized washer shoots strong jets of water several feet and farther. Right before your eyes, dirty grills look new again after a pressurized washing. Dingy walls become bright as dirt and grime are blasted away.

Just remember that, while fun, pressure washing is serious business. Avoid allowing the pressurized jets of water to contact skin or clothing. Allowing the water jet to stay in close contact with paint for too long can damage the paint.

How to Build Your Own Pressure Washer Trailer

There are four basic parts to a pressure water trailer setup. You’ll need a trailer, water tank, pressure washer, and water hose/spray guns. Any flatbed trailer will work as long as it is large enough to accommodate the water tank and pressure washer.

Two or More Wheels

A four-wheeled trailer allows you to unhitch the trailer as needed, while a two-wheeled trailer will need to remain hitched to the vehicle while in use. Some trailers have three wheels allow for a light structure that can stand on its own.

Buy Used or Build It Yourself?

Building a DIY pressure washing trailer is easy and straightforward, but buying a new or used trailer may save you time. Sturdy used trailers can generally be found for a few hundred dollars.

How to Build a Custom Trailer Frame

Constructing a trailer from scratch should generally be left to experts, especially when welding is involved.

Here are the basic steps involved in constructing a trailer frame that can be used to haul pressure washers.

  • Find a flat work surface
  • Measure and cut frame sections
  • Elevate frame sections and clamp the adjoining corners
  • Plan and then execute welds
  • Weld a hitch near the front of the trailer

Once the trailer is completed, use rust-resistant paint to coat the entire surface of the trailer. Durable enamel paints can be hand-painted or sprayed on.

Bolting Wheels or Axles

For most home washer trailers, four swivel wheels will suffice. The wheels can be bolted to the frame of the trailer.

If your trailer needs to be hauled on the road from time to time, you can order an axle kit. Custom undercarriage kits are based on axle size and frame width.

Maintaining Your Trailer

Once you construct your custom trailer, you’ll need to store it properly. Exposure to the elements could lead to rusting and wear.

Make Your Home’s Exterior Sparkle!

Knowing how to build your own pressure washer trailer can make cleaning your home’s exterior a fun activity. If you are ready to uncover the natural beauty of your home, let our professional exterior cleaners use gentle pressure washing to reveal your home’s hidden beauty.

Follow our blog for expert tips. Then click “Talk To Our Experts” to see what great deals we can work out for you and your family. Or you can give us a call at 336-993-6785.

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