Could the wrong trailer setup be costing you?
If it’s in rough shape, it may not be making the best first impression.
If the layout isn’t efficient it make be wasting extra setup and tear down times at the beginning and end of your jobs.
If it doesn’t have the equipment you need, you may not be able to get the job done.
Any way you look at it, having an efficient, well designed and professional looking trailer serves your business and makes you money.
NOW may be the perfect time to set yourself up for success in the 2021 pressure washing season.
You may be wondering, what kinds of things make for a great setup and how would that work.
In the video above, we are taking you behind the scenes of a pair of custom trailers that were built to perfectly match the needs of a discerning client.
Check out the video. And if you have any questions about fabricated equipment setups or you are just ready to get your equipment in order for the upcoming season.
Give us a call to setup your complimentary design consultation.